Solar Golf Ball Washer

This was the final project for my Graphics, CAD, and Design class where I learned to use Solidworks and Arduino. This automatic golf ball washer uses a solar panel that follows the sun to recharge.

Final Sketch

CAD Assembly

Functioning Prototype

For this project, I started by creating multiple rough sketches of my idea to help myself visualize what I want the final product to look like. I then modeled all the components in an assembly in Solidworks to confirm all the dimensions. Lastly, I 3D printed the outer shell of the prototype and was able to assemble a working prototype.

Arduino C++ Code

#include <VarSpeedServo.h>

VarSpeedServo xAxis;

VarSpeedServo zAxis;

int xAngle;

int zAngle;

int TRVal;

int TLVal;

int BLVal;

int BRVal;

int avgT;

int avgB;

int avgL;

int avgR;

int xDiff;

int zDiff;

//Define phototransistor pins

int const TR = A0;

int const TL = A1;

int const BL = A2;

int const BR = A3;

void setup() {



  xAngle = 89; //Initialize motors at center

  zAngle = 89;




void loop() {

  TRVal = analogRead(TR);

  TLVal = analogRead(TL);

  BLVal = analogRead(BL);

  BRVal = analogRead(BR);

  avgT = (TLVal + TRVal)/2;

  avgB = (BLVal + BRVal)/2;

  avgL = (TLVal + BLVal)/2;

  avgR = (TRVal + BRVal)/2;

  xDiff = avgT - avgB;  //Determine brightness difference between top and bottom

  Serial.print("xDiff: ");


  zDiff = avgL - avgR;  //Determine brightness difference between left and right

  Serial.print("zDiff: ");


  Serial.print("X Angle: ");


  Serial.print("Z Angle: ");


  //Keep angle within bounds

  if (xAngle < 0) {

    xAngle = 0;


  if (xAngle > 179) {

    xAngle = 179;


  if (zAngle < 0) {

    zAngle = 0;


  if (zAngle > 179) {

    zAngle = 179;


  //Handle angle increment when array orientation flips

  if (xDiff > 5 && 90 <= xAngle <= 179) {




  else if (xDiff < -5 && 90 <= xAngle <= 179) {




  else if (xDiff > 5 && 0 <= xAngle <= 89) {




  else if (xDiff < -5 && 0 <= xAngle <= 89) {




  if (zDiff > 5 && 90 <= xAngle <= 179) {




  else if (zDiff < -5 && 90 <= xAngle <= 179) {




  else if (zDiff > 5 && 0 <= xAngle <= 89) {




  else if (zDiff < -5 && 0 <= xAngle <= 89) {





Golf Ball Solar Tracker BOM-merged.pdf

The solar tracking technique used in this project was inspired by this video and I was able to adapt it for use on two axes. I received guidance from my professor and TA and I designed the overall system including the circuits, CAD models, and code.